The Christian Impact Mission (CIM) is a Faith Based development agency that has continuously sought to develop Models
and Training tools for community Transformation with a special focus on building community resilience in the face of the
challenges associated with Climate change and other disasters, especially among vulnerable communities. Using the
Mindset Change and Empowered Worldview approach, CIM primarily operates as an outreach to communities seeking to
develop community transformation movements. C.I.M’s core focus is to empower individuals, families, and communities
to discover and exploit God-given abilities and potential, and engage them toward realizing human dignity and
improved livelihoods for communities in Kenya, Africa and beyond using the Mindset change and empowered Biblical
Worldview approach.
Transformed and empowered communities in Africa and beyond
Working together with others to promote community transformation through mindset change and
empowered worldviews approach while mobilizing resources for sustainable development.
Goals and objectives
The overall aim of the CIM Model program is to “Improve the Capacity of vulnerable communities for resilience
through the CIM Mindset change and empowered worldview for water, food and financial security.”
CIM’s objectives include:-
1. Capacity Building and empowerment of communities for mindset change and towards sustainable individual,
family, and community development
2. Holistic outreaches and humanitarian interventions among vulnerable communities toward abundant life (John
3. Development of resilience champions as key drivers of resilient technologies and practices.
4. Improving household food security and nutrition by ensuring access to water and food.
5. Increasing household income through the promotion of sustainable livelihood options.
6. Establishment of an enabling environment for climate change adaptation, mitigation, and sustainable
7. Capacity building and empowerment of communities for duty bearer engagement toward the delivery of relevant
8. Development of Agricultural, commercial, and industrial villages for wealth and job creation and as a means of
improved economies among vulnerable communities in line with the CIM Model (Find attached).
9. Stakeholder engagement through training of Development actors and Government representatives on CIM’s Model
for community transformation.
10. Support for the establishment and rehabilitation of key social structures in the community eg Schools, churches
and Hospitals for the improvement of lives and livelihoods.